Hartwig Eitler Quartet

High School jazz | Internatsjazz in 1962 with Franz Leberl [d], Udo Jonas [banjo], Michael Suppanz [t], Kurti Weissenböck [b].
We were the 11th grade juniors perfoming for the ball of that year's s12th grade seniors | Wir spielten in der 7. Klasse für die 8. Klasse bei deren Maturaball.
A cold jazz mass perfomance by the Royal Flush Orchestra at Vienna's Anton's Church, way up at the emporium near the organ | Eine kalte Jazzmesse in der Wiener Antonskirche hoch oben neben der Orgel.
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Still from the live television recording of the 1967 Amateur Jazz Festival at the Konzerthaus in Vienna |
The Royal Flush Orchestra in 1967 with Hartwig Eitler [front], Franz Leberl [left back]. In the back center is Franz Hubeny on bass. |