Hartwig Eitler Quartet

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High School jazz | Internatsjazz in 1962 with Franz Leberl [d], Udo Jonas [banjo], Michael Suppanz [t], Kurti Weissenböck [b].

We were the 11th grade juniors perfoming for the ball of that year's s12th grade seniors | Wir spielten in der 7. Klasse für die 8. Klasse bei deren Maturaball. 


A cold jazz mass perfomance by the Royal Flush Orchestra at Vienna's Anton's Church, way up at the emporium near the organ | Eine kalte Jazzmesse in der Wiener Antonskirche hoch oben neben der Orgel.



Still from the live television recording of the 1967 Amateur Jazz Festival at the Konzerthaus in Vienna

The Royal Flush Orchestra in 1967 with Hartwig Eitler [front], Franz Leberl [left back]. In the back center is Franz Hubeny on bass.