Hartwig Eitler Quartet

Franz Leberl
Franz Leberl
started with the drums in boarding school in 1961. This went on all through college and the original incarnation of the Royal Flush Orchestra. but then got interrupted for 40 years. Reconnecting with the old friends from student life led to an intensive re-focus on drumming for swing jazz, much as if those 40 years had never passed.
Franz is from Kirchberg am Wechsel. he earned a doctorate in Applied Science from Vienna University of Technology and spent his carreer in academia and business. He now is Professor emeritus in computer science at Graz University of Technology and lives with his wife Traudl in Austria and the USA. He maintains a personal webpage with references to jazz here.
Franz Leberl
spielte Dixieland Jazz im Internat im Alter von 16 Jahren, also um etwa 1961. Das setzte sich durch die Studententage bis 1968 fort. Dann unterbrach eine geografisch unstete Berufsexistenz 40 Jahre lang das Drumming, bis es durch die Wiederentdeckung alter studentische Freundschaften recht intensiv in den Mittelpunkt zurückkehrte.
Franz stammt aus Kirchberg am Wechsel. An der Technischen Universitaet Wien erwarb er ein technisches Doktorat. Seine Laufbahn verbrachte er in der Forschung und im Geschäftsleben. Heute ist er als Professor für Informatik an der Technischen Universität Graz emeritiert. Er lebt mit seiner Frau Traudl in Õsterreich und den USA. Ein persönliche Webseite besteht mit einr Referenz to diversen Jazz-Aktivitäten hier.
At Vienna's Metropol in 2013, photographed by Photo Brunner.
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Franz Leberl drumming in 1966/7 with the Royal Flush Orchestra at age 22 in Vienna, then as a student of engineering at Vienna University of Technology, playing various jazz clubs and so-called "jazz masses" in churches. | In 11th grade at the Graz boarding school, we were playing for the seniors at their ball [Maturaball] in 1962. From left: Udo Jonas [banjo], professor emeritus of urology in Hannover, Germany; Kurt Weissenböck [bass], teacher of English at University of Graz † ; Michael Suppanz, administrative director of Graz University, retired; Franz Leberl [drums], professor emeritus of computer science, Graz University of Technology. |